Student Solution


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Discussion 2_Art History II

Discussion 2_Art History II

Q Slowing down and looking at art: Many times we believe that we have thoroughly looked at a painting, and are completely familiar with it when we are really not. Learning to completely take in a piece of art takes time, and learning to look at art is part of learning art history. This is also an exercise in focus. Your assignment is to set aside 15 minutes with no interruptions or distractions, and look at the Mona Lisa by Leonardo ( Take note of every part of the painting, foreground, background, color, setting, etc. In your discussion post write down what you see as time goes by and state the times you noticed something that you had never seen before.

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I have seen this painting so many times but I never noticed it too closely. First I will share what I thought of the painting before those 15 minutes. For me this painting has been representation of sadness. I never felt good after seeing this painting and therefore, I never noticed the painting much. Now, I realize that I was not completely wrong. The colors and the light used in the painting give the painting a gloomy effect. I noticed the landscape behind her. It is peaceful. The still water and the greenery gives a calm look but it feels that the background is too quiet as if there was some sadness in the atmosphere more like a funeral.